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51st Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory

Join us for the 51st Annual Midwest Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory, hosted by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of...
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Joint Seed Research Grants Program: Enhancing Public Health through Collaborative Innovation

UI SYSTEM/ INCMNSZ JOINT RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM CALL FOR PROPOSALS Initiative Illinois Mexican and Mexican-American student (I-MMÁS) initiative The University of Illinois System and The National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán, INCMNSZ-Mexico...

Gender & Environment in the Amazon (3 credit hours)

Spring 2025 NRES 598 Gender & Environment in the Amazon (3 credit hours) University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Day, Time Room Turner Hall Instructor: Professor McKenzie Johnson (she/her) Turner Hall S-512 Office Phone: 217-300-8308 Email: Office Hours: Wednesday 2:00-3:00 or by appointment  1. Course Description What is this course about? Scholarship across environmental justice, political ecology, gender studies, and environmental politics is increasingly drawing attention to the problem of violence against land and...

Call for Applications: New Approaches to International Area and Global Studies Grants

The Illinois Global Institute invites proposals for the New Approaches to International Area and Global Studies grants.  The New Approaches grant supports multidisciplinary initiatives to increase UIUC engagement with world regions and with global questions beyond the current scope of the...

Reimagining Andean Art at the Krannert Art Museum

                  The Krannert Art Museum (KAM) is undertaking a groundbreaking project to revitalize its collection of pre-Hispanic Andean art, which has been a key part of the museum since it was first acquired in 1967 through a community...

SPAN 326: Mexican National Cinema

This course explores how Mexican cinema, from its beginnings at end of the 19th century through 21st century production, has commented on and participated in major social and national processes such as the Mexican Revolution, the (re)construction of national identity, modernization, as well as the negotiation of changing conceptions of class, gender, and race. We will analyze canonical, landmark films as well as lesser-known works to explore how a variety of directors and genres have engaged the country’s national imaginary through time. As film is an industrial art form, we will examine the...


(CRN 51183) 4 credit hours    In this course students explore how a range of local regulatory agencies invoke international institutions in the governance of urban conflicts. Specifically, we will study and map how urban inhabitants mobilize narratives of international human rights to collectively reclaim collective forms of belonging and social citizenship. WHO Graduate and Undergraduate students interested in how international institutions (II) and universal narratives of human rights shape and are shaped by localized social justice movements in urban environments. WHAT...

SPAN 535: Realisms in Latin American Cinema

Is one form of cinema more truthful than any other? Are realist styles any more ethical with regards to the depiction of marginalized populations? How and why has realism become an idiom of prestige for Latin American films on the festival circuit? For nearly a century, cinemas purporting to offer an alternative to entertainment films have attempted to situate themselves within a privileged relationship to realism in contradistinction to the notions of pleasure, distraction, and deception that critics have identified as inherent to the commercial movie industry. Taking as its point of...

ANTH 405 - Contemporary Central America

  Explores cultural, political and historical processes in 20th- and 21st-century Central America--focusing on Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala--through an anthropological lens. Grapples with a core set of questions arising from changes in the global relations, including the rise of global neoliberalism, the crises and renovations of political projects, the transformations of spatial relations through transnational migration, and the proliferation of various pan-hemispheric as well as local identity-based movements. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours....

Event Recap: Celebrating the Legacy of Professors Werner Baer and Geoffrey Hewings – A Seminar on Latin America's Future Challenges

On November 11th and 12th, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies at the University of Illinois held a special conference to honor the contributions of Professors Werner Baer and Geoffrey Hewings to the Center’s legacy. Through their...
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