The Illinois Global Institute invites proposals for the New Approaches to International Area and Global Studies grants. The New Approaches grant supports multidisciplinary initiatives to increase UIUC engagement with world regions and with global questions beyond the current scope of the eleven area and global studies centers and thematic programs within IGI. The grant will provide up to $30,000 for the duration of the grant period, which can range from 1 to 3 years. The New Approaches grant will support projects to develop area and global thematic approaches in teaching, research, and/or public engagement. The New Approaches grants are intended as developmental opportunities that can expand the scope of area and global studies at UIUC. Full time faculty and staff at UIUC are eligible to apply for the grant. We welcome proposals that include participation by faculty and staff at other higher education institutions in Illinois.
An information session will be held on Tuesday, December 10 at 4pm. Register here.
Potential outcomes for New Approaches projects include:
-Development of new or expanded curricula in the funded subject;
-Development of an Investment for Growth proposal;
-Expansion of the capacity and scope of one of the IGI centers or programs;
-The development of grant proposals to further research or instruction in funded area;
-Development of study abroad and student exchange activities to build engagement with a world region;
-Efforts to recruit faculty through approaches such as cluster hire initiatives.
Evaluation Criteria:
The New Approaches program fosters institutional and programmatic development rather than individual or team research programs. Successful proposals will show a well-defined sense of the campus need and capacity for the development of the proposed work, a collaborative vision, a clear set of objectives and outcomes, as well as their significance for UIUC.
The review committee will select proposals on the significance and demonstrated need for the additional development of the proposed questions at UIUC; the project design; coordination between the project and relevant campus units; and the proposed outcomes. The IGI particularly encourages proposals that are interdisciplinary and projects that incorporate students in the plan of work. In a pool in which there may be potential overlap or alignment between proposals, the review committee may recommend connecting or combining initiatives.
Project Requirements:
In the spring semester of the first year of the project, its leads will organize a presentation for leadership, staff, and affiliates of the IGI centers and programs on the project, its plan of work and its intended outcomes. Project leads will submit an annual report in years 1 and 2, as well as a final report in year 3 that will detail project activities, a breakdown of expenses, and a description of ongoing or forthcoming activities. The final report should present a road map for the future development of or institutionalization of the project’s goals. The grantees should designate a home unit to receive and administer annual funding for the project.
Proposals should include:
Proposal abstract (150 words);
A proposal narrative that details the proposed initiative and its goals, the plan of work, describes campus resources and needs in the area, as well as outcomes of the initiative. To the extent possible, the narrative should speak to the fiscal and administrative sustainability of the initiative beyond the grant-supported period (maximum 1500 words);
A budget detailing anticipated expenses over the grant period. Total IGI support for project will not exceed $30,000 (which may be divided, for instance, into up to $10,000 per year over three years or $15,000 over two years). Proposals can include budget items funded through other sources;
CV (maximum 5 pages) for the principal investigator and up to five faculty, staff, and students involved in the project;
A letter of support from the executive officer of the home unit of the principal investigator, and if applicable, letters of support from up to two other units whose engagement is integral to the initiative. The letter from the principal executive officer should express that unit’s support for the administration of the project’s budget.
Complete materials should be combined and sent as one PDF and addressed to IGI-info@illinois.edu Please include your last name and NEW APPROACHES SUBMISSION in the subject line.
Program Guidelines:
The proposed budget can support visiting speakers and symposia; research or course development travel; the acquisition or creation of instructional materials; research or instructional support; course release; and stipends. Expenses such as summer salary, benefits, or the purchase of laboratory or computer equipment will not be funded. Proposals may include participation by international partner institutions or peers, recognizing that there are significant limits to the capacity to budget international participation. Each year, the project lead will submit a report on the program’s activities in the past year, a report on budget expenditures, and a plan of work for the subsequent year. Project funds will be disbursed to the project lead’s home unit annually, contingent upon progress with the project.
The program carries the expectation that funded projects will actively engage with the IGI and its units. For instance, where applicable, curricular development should connect with academic programs led by IGI units, such as the LAS Global Studies Program.
Proposal Deadline: January 31, 2025